the best data creation, management, utilization solution for remote infrastructure assets.
Your digital journey starts here.
Ayyeka will guide you to create, manage, and utilize data from your remote infrastructure assets. Edge devices embedded with AI integrate with your existing IoT systems for a unified plug-and-play solution.
We know the future because we are building it. Let us show you how.
You can't improve what you can't measure. Creation of timely, accurate data is the first--but critical--step in your decision-making hierarchy. Ayyeka's Wavelet is your best friend in all kinds of weather--autonomous, sturdy, secured, and reliable. It connects to any kind of sensor following a simple installation process.
How do you manage all the data streaming in from your remote field assets? Ayyeka's Field Asset Intelligence platform will store, present, and interoperate your asset's data.
Decisions about predictive maintenance become clearer. Assets have shorter downtime periods and are used more efficiently.
Enhance your field data with cutting-edge tools such as AI Data Curator for data quality assurance, WaveCam for capturing remote sites visuals, and advanced fleet management. The FAI+ ever-growing suite of tools will enable you to harness the power of AI and Edge analytics to get the most out of your field assets data.
Our Offer
The world's best solution for the creation, management, and utilization of field data.
Flexibility. Versatility.
Get the data you need when you need it. Ayyeka's hardware/software solution scales up or down to any critical infrastructure asset.
The basis of all life
Every water system owner and operator has to ensure cleanliness, safety, and reliability while reducing losses from leaks.
Effective management of water networks, including the numerous assets in them such as reservoirs, pumps, pipelines, valves, and supply tanks starts with full visibility of the critical assets and is essential to public health and improved customer satisfaction.
Storm & Wastewater
Impact the network
Aging infrastructure, extreme wet weather, blockage, and industrial polluters are only some of the challenges wastewater network operators are dealing with 24/7 and in all weather conditions.
Our solution enables you to gain the situational awareness you need to detect events in real-time and in all types of weather and track their source, impacting the entire wastewater network.
Harnessing power
Containing energy costs, guaranteeing safety, and improving customer service are top priorities for energy utilities and their operators.
Measurement of consumption patterns, detection of power quality issues, and anomaly detection are simpler, more efficient processes when the Ayyeka solution is installed across critical network assets.

Building sustainability
Ayyeka streamlines the data creation process for all environmental barometers, including air quality, solar power, groundwater, surface water, and weather.
Standardizing data management and dissemination gives stakeholders improved management of precious environmental resources.

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