Parameters - What They Mean and Their Range of Values

The following list of parameters includes a brief explanation of each parameter the range of acceptable values.

Technical Streams

For the various types of technical streams and their range of values, see this table.


Health Tab

BOOT COUNT: The number of times that the device booted up since it was activated.

    • If the number jumps, most likely the battery is dead
    • If the number resets to 0, it could be due to a firmware upgrade or to a lost configuration

BOOT REASON CODE and BOOT REASON: The code number and the reason for the latest device reboot. 

    • Code: 12 | Brownout Detector Regulated Domain Reset Exter Pin Reset - dead battery
    • Code: 1 | Power On Reset - the device was turned off either manually or by a command
    • Code: 64 | System Reset - the device was rebooted either by a command or automatically (according to the value of the device's Watchdog > reset_period parameter)




GSM POWERON: The number of times that the GSM modem was turned on.

GSM TX SUCCESS: The number of times that transmission succeeded (relevant only to HTTP transmission) 

GSM ERR: The number of times that transmission failed (for example, low battery, low signal).

    • Bad signals (poor antenna placement or other antenna problem)
    • Unable to communicate with the server

GSM NO CREG: The number of times that the device was unable to register on the cellular network. 

GSM MODEM DEAD: Increased when modem fails to start.

    • 0 = normal modem
    • 1 = modem is dead

GSM PDP FAIL: The number of times that a ping test from the device to the server failed. 

GSM NO OPERATORS: The number of times that the modem did not find any available cellular network provider.


LOG REC DISCARDED: The number of files that were discarded when storage was almost full. 


GPS FAIL FIX: The number of times that the device was unable to get it's GPS position.  


TOUCH_EVENT:  Not used. Disregard.


MODBUS READ ERROR: The number of errors on the serial modbus sensor. 

If the number is in the hundreds or thousands:

    • The sensor is not connected to the device
    • The sensor is not configured properly (see Overview of Modbus in Serial Channel Advanced Configuration)

TIMEKEEPER ACTSRC FAIL: The number of times that the device failed to get the atomic time from the server during the HTTP transaction. 


SDCARD ERROR: The number of times that SPI transactions with the SD card failed.


LORA TX SUCCESS: The number of times that LoRa transmission succeeded. 

LORA TX FAIL: The number of times that LoRa transmission failed. 

LORA RECEIVED CMDS: The device received data from LoRa. This information is useful in debugging to see if the device got the data we sent. 

LORA CONFIRMS FAIL: LoRa sent the error code RN2483_MAC_ERR to indicate a communication problem.

LORA POWER ON FAIL:  The LoRa module could not be powered up. 

LORA INIT FAIL: The LoRa module powered up but failed during the setup process.


TRACE CMDS: The number of commands that the device receives when doing a device trace.


SERVER CMDS: The number of times that the device got a command from the server since the device was booted up. The commands are listed in the Commands tab for the device. 


BLE ERROR: The number of times that the device had problems communicating with the mobile app. For example, the device was unable to send a message to the mobile app, or the device received a message from the mobile app that was not valid

BLE CONNECTIONS: The number of times when the mobile app was connected to the device.


MQTT CONNECTION: The number of times that the device connected successfully to the MQTT broker.

MQTT PUBLISH: The number of records that have been published to the MQTT broker since the last boot. 

MQTT PUBLISH ERROR: The number of publication errors to the MQTT broker. 

MQTT CONNECTION ERROR: The number of connection errors with the MQTT broker. 


DATA LOGGER ERROR: Increased when saving samples to SD fails and instead, data is saved to FFS. The number of times that data samples could not be moved from RAM and saved to persistent memory (SD card or internal flash). Instead, the data samples were saved to FFS. 

DATA LOG CREATED: The number of times that data samples were successfully saved to persistent memory (SD card or internal flash). 


POWERSUPPLY SWITCH: The number of times that the power supply source was switched from external power to battery, or vice versa.


LKGC LINK OPEN: The number of times since reboot that the device reverted to the last known good configuration to establish communication.