Jacqueline L. Mulhern

Jacqueline L. Mulhern is a business reporter and editor with more than 20 years of experience in the USA and Israel. She is the Head of Communications at Ayyeka.

Effective Data Utilization

2 min read

3 Tips for Effective Data Utilization for Critical Infrastructure

Data as Infrastructure

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Water quality monitoring

2 min read

Safe Drinking Water: Monitoring quality control in Schwyz, Switzerland

Water quality control In the picturesque Swiss city of Schwyz, nestled among the Muotathal valley and neighboring communities, the safety of the...

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Wastewater management is simplified with Storm Scope

1 min read

Streamline Management of Wastewater OverFlows With Data

Climate change puts enormous strain on aging wastewater networks. Data is needed in real-time to fulfill increasingly strict regulatory reporting...

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Why manhole monitoring is needed

1 min read

Why manhole monitoring is needed

Someone asked me recently why digital monitoring is essential for the care & maintenance of a manhole. I briefly explained that Ayyeka's Wavelet...

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Streamline regulatory reporting for combined sewer overflows with Ayyeka's Storm Scope

2 min read

How to save hundreds of hours filling out forms for regulators

Introduction Wastewater utilities face an increasingly strict list of environmental regulations to fulfill. As a result, they have to collect data on...

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Regulatory reforms call for stricter compliance of combined sewer overflow

2 min read

Overcoming Complications of Combined Sewer Overflows With Data

Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) is a significant issue affecting many cities worldwide. CSO occurs when the capacity of an integrated sewer system,...

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Guess what the next step is to improve your water network

1 min read

Guess How You Can Update Your Water Network. It's All About Data

Water is the basis of life, and environmental concerns are forcing government entities to rethink how they manage the public water supply. Floods,...

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Climate adaptation rather than climate change is the new norm

1 min read

Changing the mindset about floods from management to adaptation

Extreme weather events are no longer a "freak of nature" or a "once in a hundred years storm" and happen with alarming regularity.

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Data utilization

2 min read

3 Tips For Effective Data Utilization

Digitalization of data is a multi-step process. Managers who want to achieve the maximum benefit from data collection processes need to learn,...

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Data utilization part 2 of 3

2 min read

Data's Like Garbage; Know Where To Put It Before Collecting It

Digitalization of data is a process involving several steps. Executives who want to achieve the maximum benefit from their data collection processes...

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