Jacqueline L. Mulhern

Jacqueline L. Mulhern is a business reporter and editor with more than 20 years of experience in the USA and Israel. She is the Head of Communications at Ayyeka.


1 min read

Why Should I Care About Digitalization of Infrastructure?

Hard infrastructure is a fundamental component in the delivery of public services, and it is in the process of a digital revolution. It's hard enough to say the word digitalization, and some may find it complicated to understand, but it is an...

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2 min read

Edge vs Cloud Computing: What Are the Differences?

Modern development requires running advanced calculations and processing large amounts of data. But because of the amount of resources this requires,...

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Ayyeka discussing the IIJA bill for digitization of critical infrastructure

1 min read

$1.2 Trillion Earmarked For US Infrastructure: Digitization Overlooked

While populist slogans chant to "Build Back Better," infrastructure professionals wonder if bigger is necessarily better. The IIJA pays scant...

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3 min read

Blocking Monkey-in-the-Middle Hacker Cyber Attacks - Part 2

Cyber attacks on water, energy, and other critical utilities are on the rise. With the rising trend of embedding digital solutions across the utility...

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Ayyeka Prevents Cyber attacks on Critical Infrastructure

2 min read

Cyber attacks on Critical Infrastructure: No Surprise There - Part 1

Utilities have been vulnerable for years. The only surprise is how long it took hackers to discover its lucrative value. The Colonial Pipeline cyber...

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